Blog Writing Service
Blogs for your website and socials
I'm always amazed when people say they don't like writing blogs. I love it! Blogs should be fun to write and engaging to read. And yet, I get that many people would prefer not to. Or they simply don't have the time.
Does that sound like you? If so, then let's have a chat about how my blog writing service will help attract more people to your website and eventually into paying customers.
Once we've agreed on what you need — how many, the frequency, and the topics — I'll write your blogs for you. Then, after adding them to your website, the magic happens ... in time! Remember, digital marketing doesn't happen overnight.
For people to find your blogs, keywords are needed. Keywords help Google and other search engines to find your blogs and other web content when people search for what they want. So, we'll create a list of subjects you want to talk about and discuss the different types of blogs you can have. Once we have a list of topics, I'll make sure the keywords weave naturally throughout the text.
Blog types can include:
‘How to’ guides on the use of your products.
Numbered lists go down well, like 10 top tips on getting the best out of your area of expertise. For instance, finance advice if you’re an accountant, or photography tricks if you’re a photographer.
Opinion pieces relating to your industry sector can interest your customers, often promoting lively discussions when shared on your social media platforms.
Latest news within your organisation, e.g. new people, charity fundraisers, latest profit figures.
We could write about something unrelated to your business for a fresh change and to help with engagement.
In terms of length, they can be anything between 300 and 2,000 words. For specialist areas, such as the sciences, writing well over 1,000 words is perfectly acceptable. But because people are busy, on average 500-1,000 words tend to be ideal.
Photos and videos can be included. These are especially good for sharing on socials.
Speaking of which, if you need help with your social media management, I know people who can help. Just ask.
It's time to act! Talk to me today about writing your regular blogs to attract your ideal customers.
Please email me at jen@jenny haken.co.uk or make a date for a Zoom call here.