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  • Writer's pictureJen Haken

How can anyone say that Content isn’t King?

The other day I read an article in Marketing Week, by Mark Ritson, entitled: Is content marketing a load of bollocks? The title alone sent a shudder down my spine. No, not because of the obviously attention-grabbing crude headline, but because I write content for a living!

Once he got to the point (although I thoroughly enjoyed his preamble!), I tended to agree with him. To a point. For instance, he said:

'It’s not that I don’t see the value of what content marketing does. I just don’t see how it’s any different from what we were already doing.'


'It doesn’t help that all the definitions of content marketing I read just seem to describe marketing communications.'

To me, content marketing is just one of many aspects of what must be included in our marketing plans, specifically around communications. Creating good content and using it wisely is an essential objective to include in any marketing plan, for virtually any industry type – from baking to retailing, construction to coaching, web design to accountancy.

Good content is essential for all manner of marketing materials, both the good old fashioned printed kind that gives the recipient something tactile, of quality, that offers a sense of value, and today’s digital world of websites, blogs and social media.

Content doesn’t even necessarily have to be the written word – it can be GIFs, vlogs, or even memes.

Good content is, quite simply, a battle for attention. But then, isn’t all marketing activity?

Less is more, as they say. I would rather see an organisation produce fewer good quality marketing communications than churn out masses of poor quality tosh any day. Especially if most of it is ‘curation’ (sharing someone else’s content). And even more so if they haven’t even bothered to read it first to make sure it’s relevant to their industry, let alone makes sense, or that it even comes from a reputable source!

I agreed, again, with Ritson when he stated: 'The problem appears to be content marketers who, in a modern version of marketing myopia, seem to think that their reason for existence is to create content, rather than communicate with clients and sell stuff.' From what I’ve witnessed in recent years, he has a point.

But then, I’m not strictly a ‘content marketer’.

An empathetic approach

I consider myself to be more of a copywriter and copy-editor. I offer a personal service, get to know my clients and help you define your target audience. I use empathy as well as experience to get into their psyche and get the message right.

Speaking of which, if you need help creating some quality content as part of your marketing communications, do get in touch!

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