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Achieve Thermal Marketing Visibility with Sky-High Copywriting

Writer's picture: Jen HakenJen Haken

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

Woman standing in red blouse and man in wheelchair with small blue plane behind
Russ and Jen at Le Touquet

Good morning from your Flying Copywriter! 5,500 feet high, to be precise.

Let me tell you a story about achieving marketing visibility with sky-high and engaging copywriting. Last weekend, my other half checked the weather forecast (he’s a pilot – that happens often!), and reported that Tuesday would be an ideal day to fly … to Le Touquet, in France, for lunch!

We'd wanted to fly there together for some time. So, Russ had flown the Channel once before with another very experienced pilot to “show him the ropes.” Isn’t that a sailing term?! I fervently hoped that the plane wouldn’t end up as a boat! It didn't, of course.

Grab every opportunity

My first thought at Russ’ proclamation was that I had to work. But he persuaded me that we should grab these opportunities when they arise. He was right, of course. I didn't need much persuasion. With no urgent deadlines, it was a no-brainer.

Tuesday morning, we were up and out early. At the airfield, Russ prepared the adapted two-seater Foxbat (just like commercial flights, essential checks are necessary), and we jumped in. With a shout of “Clear prop!”, Russ fired up the engine and cruised gently to the runway. Once final pre-flight checks were done, within moments we were a few hundred feet up dodging clouds.

Russ’ flying buddy, Colin, was behind us in his very pretty, white with red trim, 1960s Le Jodel. We'll next see him in France!

As the airfield is near Buckingham, we headed southeast towards London, skirting across the north to avoid Heathrow and City airspace. Two hours later, we touched down in Le Touquet, which is just south of Boulogne on the coast.

We were home in Oxfordshire by 20:30!

Feel the fear and do it anyway I love flying with Russ, even with the occasional turbulence. The bumps are fun! And usually no worse than driving down a bumpy road.

Russ is an excellent pilot – calm and in control at all times. I trust him implicitly. But even I had a moment of fear as we approached the English Channel (La Manche if you’re French!).

Aerial photo of the coastline with sea in top left corner and greenery and buildings in bottom left. White clouds hide some land.
Leaving the English coast at Folkestone

Watching the coastline approach, my heart rate increased. Just as it does every time I go to hit ‘publish’ on a LinkedIn post or a blog on my website. Or sending emails and newsletters. I’m sure you recognise that little frisson of fear. I was silent as we crossed the coastline. Out over the open sea, away from the apparent safety of land, my heart fluttered almost in sync with the waves moving below us. Russ reminded me that the plane doesn't know that it's flying over water. Hmm…

Increasing our height, we flew at 5,500 feet to give us plenty of airspace and time to glide to safety should anything happen to the engine. Very unlikely. And anyway, you can see France even before you leave England!

Aerial photo of a ship in the English Channel, showing sunlight on the little waves and the greens and blues of the sea
Ship in the English Channel

Staring down at the sea below, I tried to spot shoals of large fish (are there dolphins in the English Channel?). I’m pretty sure I saw basking sharks, but we were probably too high. I could see large tankers, ferries and ships, and lots of smaller boats.

I wondered if there were boatloads of refugees below us, and trusted that, being a calm day, they would find safety.

Occasionally, I’d glance up to see France spreading out in front of us. Such a large mass of land! Oh, the fun we could have flying across Europe. One day...

Reap the rewards Luckily (not really — it's a matter of statistics), we made it to Le Touquet with Colin close behind. My cousin, Brian, who lives in Normandy, was there to meet us too.

Walking across the apron, we saw Brian through the fencing. He had just been interviewed by a television station about the renaming of the airport to Queen Elizabeth II International Airport of Le Touquet Paris-Plage, as authorised by King Charles III. You can see a snippet here; Brian is the second person interviewed. If you speak French well (I don’t!), you may detect his English accent.

Bundling us all inelegantly into his campervan (especially for poor Russ! It’s a struggle for him to get into high vehicles from his wheelchair), Brian drove us the short distance to Le Touquet. Park on the seafront if you can and a quick stroll inland will find you in the heart of the town, with its narrow streets and Medieval facades.

There’s a mass of pavement restaurants, boutiques and other delightful shops, but we only had time for a delicious and leisurely lunch. I was the only one who enjoyed a glass of chilled white wine with my mussels!

Beautiful French house surrounded by grass and trees in the suburbs of Le Touquet
Beautiful French house

The walk back to the airport took about 30 minutes through the delightfully spacious, green and leafy suburbs that offered some shade from the hot sun. The houses are a real mix of architectural styles, with typically French houses that looked stylish and grand, and typically English cottages that seemed out of place and yet right at home – an odd juxtaposition.

But Jen, where does the copywriting and marketing analogy come in?

Okay, I’ve gone on long enough about our fabulous day in France. But I wanted to tell you a story that you would enjoy – I certainly hope you have – because stories help your customers get to know you better.

When you write your stories, shorter is generally better depending on where they’re published. But as this is a blog, it can be a little longer.

Shorter stories are ideal for social media. As an example, here’s what I posted on LinkedIn about our fabulous day out. It’s less than half the length of this.

I hinted at the marketing analogies in my subheadings – did you notice?

My momentary fear of the open water reminded me that, in business, many of us have moments of fear. Mainly of the unknown. But unless we grab these opportunities, we'll never experience the rewards and the highs of success. An important reason to keep marketing is to help attract opportunities. Even during times of budgetary restrictions that many small businesses are currently experiencing, our customers need regular reminders that we're here and can help solve their problems. Opportunities arise from many places. Whether you’re seeking collaborative work or new business, being consistently visible helps to attract those opportunities. So use all the methods you can – frequently post online, send regular newsletters, be active in networking groups, use PPC advertising. There are so many cost-effective marketing elements to use.

Aim for the high marketing thermals!

Using a mix of all relevant marketing elements is one of the best ways to attract opportunities. And with your sky-high copywriter here to help you write engaging content that captures people’s attention, creating intrigue and a desire to want more, you can achieve great heights. I’m here to guide, advise, hold your hand and reduce the fear.

In fact, my Build a Following Content Package – a mix of blogs, newsletters, and LinkedIn posts – will help to launch your marketing to new heights.

Let’s discuss how I can help you fly high and gain new customers. Radio me ... I mean, get in touch in the usual way! Roger, over and out.

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